Following the tradition of the previous ERG meetings, we aim at bringing together researchers from different areas of theoretical physics who apply modern functional RG methods to describe and understand a variety of physical phenomena. A principal goal of the conference is to strengthen the growing communication between people working on different applications and aspects of the ERG, and to allow for a transfer of knowledge and methods. The main themes will be the application of the ERG to strongly correlated fermions, critical and quantum critical phenomena, particle physics, gauge theories and gravity, and non-equilibrium phenomena.
The deadline for inscription period is formally over but interested people can still send a mail to, create an account (see link) and then register for the conference.
Once you have registered, please pay online using this payment link ( When we receive your payment we will send you a confirmation.
The conference will end on Friday 13th at 12:30 before lunch. The conference fees are 175 euros and include four lunches (Monday to Thursday). In case you want to have lunch on Friday an extra 15 euros should be added to the conference fees (=190 euros). (On the payment page: "Montant à régler" is therefeore either 175 or 190 euros. You will also have to select "J'accepte les conditions d'utilisation" before selecting "Valider").
The International Organizing Committee
J.-P. Blaizot
B. Delamotte
W. Metzner
R. Percacci
M. Salmhofer
N. Tetradis
C. Wetterich
The local Organizing Committee
D. Benedetti
B. Delamotte
M. Tissier
Special thanks to Karim Essafi for maintaining the website.